Celebrating the birthday with blisters

I don’t know how well you really know me through the blog, but you’ve probably realised that I’m not a very athletic person. Today, for example, marks exactly six months since the day I promised to start jogging every morning. However, I like to walk, I wouldn’t call what I do hiking; however… now that I’ve discovered the HikingEstonia group and go on hikes with them on weekends, I have probably taken my walking to the next level and could call these walks hikes. I wasn’t very sure about taking part in today’s EV101 trip. 19 kilometres around Lake Ülemiste seemed a little too much, but I was still tempted. I figured if there is a larger group, then there is also a chance to choose a pace that suits you, because it is not conceivable that more than 60 people will all start running together. I’m glad I decided to put myself to the test, in fact 19 kilometres was relatively easy, and the hike was very spirited, appropriate to today’s celebrations. And look how many of us there were! Also in blue and black and white, as was today’s dress code. For a moment, I was also in blue, black and white in the parking lot – my car is blue and I was wearing black and white. [ux_gallery ids=”1003,1002,1001,1000″ col_spacing=”xsmall” image_height=”100%”] Walking in the woods was, of course, quite extreme at times, not because of the ice (although this as well, because I forgot my ice cleats at home), but because of the meltwater. We needed to jump across a ditch at one spot and I wasn’t sure if I would make it. I did. But all sorts of different methods were used to cross the ditch. However, Musti the dog, a real veteran in hiking, did it the best, just wading through the ditch. Thank God, as we had already started building a human bridge for him 🙂 [ux_gallery ids=”1009,1008,1007,999,998,997,996″ col_spacing=”xsmall” image_height=”100%”] The pace of the hike was quite decent, the ice and snow made the movement more difficult, but I definitely can’t say that the hike was insurmountable, because every time I, for example, felt a little tired, we took a break. The first classic tea and candy break was on 4.5 kilometres, and the time for sprat sandwiches and anthem every ten kilometres. After that, the last seven kilometres were nothing. I am nearly 40 years old and have managed to avoid any singing in groups, but this time there was no escape from it. So I was singing the Estonian anthem with 65 other hikers in the woods behind Lake Ülemiste. Me (not that) loud and off-key, but still with pride. [ux_gallery ids=”1006,1005,1004″ col_spacing=”xsmall” columns=”3″ image_height=”100%”] I also got pretty decent blisters. I put the wrong socks on and that’s how I got those blisters on my feet. I was a fool myself. I already realised at home that these were wrong, but I didn’t bother to look for the right socks and so I had to suffer for about half the trip. For the last three kilometres when we were on the shared path again, I walked as fast as I could. Not because I had sparkling wine waiting at home or I had too much energy left but because I knew that if I stopped, walking with these blisters would be even worse. So here is a tip for everyone – when you go on a hike, make sure you aren’t wearing anything that can cause blisters. Next weekend I’m going on a small six-kilometre hike, which I would even dare to call an active walk already, and then there is also the Käsmu hike. I recommend liking the HikingEstonia page and coming on hikes with us. A good time is guaranteed and there are hikes with different lengths, so you don’t have to be afraid that you can’t do it. So far, no one has been lost or left behind on the trail. Until next time!

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