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Have you ever thought of wanting to spend more time in the fresh air? To be actively moved and may also be tested to some extent, but have not yet found this activity that would call and a real sports man’s soul can also be inside not. In this case, hiking is precisely for you. Come join our great hiking team and you will get quite clear that hiking is not just a sport, not even just a form of recreation, but a way of life. The warning must immediately be said that hiking is addictive. You do it once, and you feel that you’re not going to be able to hike.

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Private hikes

We organise memorable and private city tours and/or nature hikes all over Estonia. A private hike can be a couple of hours or several days long, with accommodation and catering. We offer one-time solutions and monthly individual series of hikes.

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Childrens hike

We hike both on the coast and in the forest, explore the most exciting places, teach children the basics of hiking and talk about being and moving in the natural environment.
The children’s hike is only for children and is undertaken without smart devices.

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Viimati blogis

Loe meie toimunud matkadest, matkajate silmade läbi

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Products for sale

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Rental equipment


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